Ahrism is a community centered around Ahri, the nine-tailed fox. Created for everyone from fans to one-trick foxes, Ahrism is your community for Everything Ahri.
We welcome all who love Ahri.
We offer over 400 emotes for our members to enjoy. Ahrism1 supports growing and established artists.
Our communities are kept secure and redundant beyond any other. Your favourite server won't just disappear out of nowhere.
Our support teams are at the ready to answer any of your requests in over 140 different languages.
Our staff is quick to respond, and you'll receive satisfying instant feedback when a penalty is applied to a rulebreaker you report.
Our beyond-obsessive attention to the tiniest details is what drives our design philosophy. Your experience will be magical.
The Earth and it's future is important. Our site operations are entirely carbon-neutral.
Our members mean everything to us. Your passion for what you love is why we want to provide the best experience possible.
Need to be @everyone'd for the owner's birthday? Of course not. Choose your own pings from our granular notifications menu.
Enjoy all the perks that come with a Level 3-boosted server.No Nitro required.
This page from the Ahrism1 website introduces Ahrism, one of the luxury communities run by Ahrism1. Ahrism1 is a group of communities related to Ahri, the Nine-tailed fox. Ahrism is dedicated to everything Ahri, from fan art to gameplay tips. Ahrism welcomes all who love Ahri and offers over 400 emotes, artist support and a friendly environment. The page provides images and testimonials to showcase the quality and diversity of Ahrism.Tags: Navigational: Ahrism1.com, Ahrism discord server, Ahrism twitter, Ahrism reddit Informational: Ahrism community guidelines, Ahrism emotes list, Ahrism history, Ahrism events Transactional: join Ahrism discord, buy Ahrism stickers, support Ahrism artists, donate to Ahrism