Global Rights

One of our core values is the righteous and equal treatment of people.

Ahrism1 was created with a focus on power to the user and transparency. As such, you're granted certain protections within our communities.

You're protected under these rights anywhere you see the official Ahrism1 symbol.

You have the right

As a member

You have the right to message the moderators and appeal corrective action against yourself.

You have the right to be warned for the first time you violate the Community Guidelines, per each rule.

You have the right to be exempt from punitive action for multiple minor violations of the same kind by remedying your actions after you receive your first warning.

You have the right to report content to the moderators which you see as violating Community Guidelines

You have the right to report individuals, which make you feel unsafe within our communities.

You have the right to know why punitive action has been taken against you and request direct examples of what contributed to it.

You have the right to submit proposals to changes to rules if you believe they would serve in the better interest of the community.

You have the right to speak up about our operating policies if you feel something should get amended in the interest of clarity, equality, and justice.

You have the right to submit feedback by messaging the moderators at any time, or via specially designated collection requests.

These rights apply to everyone who is a member of our communities, including users who may be suspended from participating.

As a creator

You have the right to submit your original work.

You have the right to receive honest and respectful feedback regarding your creative submissions.

You have the right to be credited for your work. All Image posts require attribution to the artist.

You have the right to request the removal of submissions that infringe your copyright.

You have the right to link your various social media channels in a comment under your post.

As a team member

You have the right to act in good faith. You reflect on Ahrism1 as a whole and have the right to take punitive action to uphold our community guidelines.

You have the right to present evidence to justify your actions in the event of an appeal against one of your decisions.

You have the right to participate, just like everyone else! Your duty as a moderator does not grant you exclusive exceptions.

You have the right to be spoken to respectfully when interacting with members and may request your ticket be delegated to another team member if you feel threatened.

You have the right to fulfill your obligations to other communities without fear of repercussions from Ahrism1.

If you believe your Global Rights have been violated or have been mistreated by a hostile staff member, immediately contact with the subject line "Abuse Report" and include as much detail as possible.

This page from the Ahrism1 website explains the global rights policy of Ahrism1. Ahrism1 is a group of communities related to Ahri, the Nine-tailed fox. The global rights policy outlines the principles and values that guide Ahrism1’s actions and decisions, such as respect, diversity, inclusion, safety, and transparency. The page also provides examples and scenarios to illustrate how the policy applies to different situations and challenges. The page aims to inform and educate the members and visitors of Ahrism1 about the rights and responsibilities of being part of Ahrism1. Tags: Navigational: Ahrism1 rights, Ahrism1 global rights, Ahrism1 member rights Informational: Ahrism1 global rights policy, Ahrism1 code of conduct, Ahrism1 FAQ, Ahrism1 Transactional: Ahrism1 report global rights violation